Hanna | Co-Founder of Medfully
28 Jun 9 min read

UCAT Score Calculator: How to Convert and Understand Your UCAT Score (2024 Update)

The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is a crucial exam for aspiring medical and dental students. Once you've completed the test, understanding your UCAT score is essential to evaluate your performance and determine your eligibility for desired programs. In this blog post, we will delve into the UCAT scoring system and provide you with a comprehensive UCAT score calculator to convert your raw score into the official UCAT scoring scale. By gaining insights into your UCAT score, you can assess your strengths, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions regarding your future in the medical field.

📚 UCAT Scoring System (2024):

The UCAT uses a scaled scoring system to provide a standardized measure of candidates' abilities. The overall UCAT score ranges from 300 to 900, with 900 being the highest attainable score. Each section of the UCAT is individually scored, and the scores are then combined to calculate the overall UCAT score. Understanding the scoring system and how your performance in each section contributes to your overall score is crucial.


🧮 UCAT Score Calculator:

To convert your raw UCAT score into the official UCAT scoring scale, you can utilize a UCAT score calculator. These calculators take into account the number of correct answers in each section and generate your scaled score. Websites such as CodePen or TheMedicMind offer UCAT score calculators that simplify the process and provide accurate results. Simply enter the number of correct answers for each section, and the calculator will generate your scaled score.

🧠 Understanding Your UCAT Score:

Once you have your scaled UCAT score, it's important to interpret and understand what it means. The UCAT score represents your relative performance compared to other test-takers. The higher your score, the better your performance in relation to the UCAT cohort. Take into consideration the average UCAT scores for the programs you're interested in, as different universities may have specific score requirements. What is a good UCAT Score in 2024?

🤔 Interpreting Sectional Scores:

In addition to the overall UCAT score, individual sectional scores provide insights into your strengths and weaknesses. Each section is scored on a scale from 300 to 900, and comparing your performance across sections can help you identify areas where you excel and areas that may require further attention. Analyzing your sectional scores can guide your preparation strategies and help you focus on improving weaker areas. Below you can see a table with average scores from each section for 2023 entry (source: ucat.ac.uk):

UCAT Section:Average Score:
Verbal Reasoning567
Decision Making616
Quantitative Reasoning658
Abstract Reasoning659

💡 How Medfully can help you ACE your Medicine Interviews:

Preparing for medical school interviews is a serious task. It requires more than just reading an article or doing a mock interview. It requires intentionality, structure and commitment. Luckily, with Medfully it is simpler and more efficient than ever:


🔣 UCAT Percentiles:

UCAT percentiles indicate where your score falls in comparison to other test-takers. For example, a UCAT score at the 80th percentile means that you performed better than 80% of the candidates who took the test. Percentiles can provide a valuable context for understanding the competitiveness of your score and its significance in the admissions process.

📉 Where to apply with a Low UCAT Score (2024 Update):

Your UCAT exam didn’t go to plan? Read our comphrehensive guide about Applying Strategically With a Low UCAT Score.



Converting and understanding your UCAT score is an essential step in evaluating your performance and determining your eligibility for medical and dental programs. Utilize UCAT score calculators to convert your raw score into the official UCAT scoring scale and gain insights into your performance across sections. Understanding your UCAT score and percentiles can help you assess your strengths, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your future. As you embark on your journey towards a career in medicine, use your UCAT score as a guide to further enhance your skills and strive for success.